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#Film: 'Late Expectations' (Trailer)

India is a high school senior living in Brooklyn, she’s gotten a full scholarship to Brown University and is a model student, good daughter, fun best friend and loving girlfriend. On the outside, she seems to be living the teenage dream. However, it is all a lie. Internally, she is tormented, and hides a secret that threatens to end her most important relationships. She finally gains the courage to reveal her double life but discovers something that shatters her world completely.

We live in a world, where people constantly show the highlights of their life to maintain the illusion of perfection. We do so in order to keep up with appearances, to satisfy other people’s opinions and sometimes to mask our pain. Are the Instagram and Facebook posts authentic, or are they promulgating an illusion? Is everything always as amazing as it seems? What happens behind the computer screen, behind closed doors and within our own minds? This film is inspired by the human struggle between meeting everyone else’s expectations, while painfully denying our own.

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