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Our archive features a catalogue of posts relating to LGBTQ Culture. Including Music, Films, Docs, Webseries, Reviews, Interviews, Events, Publications, Exclusives and much more.

#Media: A.Z Magazine

Within the LGBT+ community, Black and other Minority Ethnics (BME) are often under represented and in many cases not represented at all. They wanted to create a media platform that not only allows BME LGBT+ people to showcase their talents, but also allows us to address the issues that we face in the BME community.

In 2015, AZ Magazine was created as an answer to this and their aim is to create a voice for those who have felt excluded from the wider LGBT+ community.

Every BME LGBT+ narrative and experience is important. The vision is to create an online space where people feel comfortable to express themselves, find support and learn about what’s going on in our community. We want to bridge the gap between the LGBT+ community and BME culture and unite those who identify as both BME and LGBT+.

Twitter - @azmaguk

Instagram -@azmaguk

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