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#ShortDoc: 'Walk!'

Voguing is a form of dance that was created on the streets and drag balls of Harlem by a subculture of young mostly poor, gay, trans, black and/or Latino’s in the 1980s. The Ballroom scene in which Voguing exists in is an art form that’s closely linked with ideas of fashion, luxury, and social and economic mobility.

In the past few years the Voguing and Ballroom scene has seen a resurgence in its popularity spreading across the globe. No longer limited to members of American urban black and Latino gay communities it can be found as far away as Russia now. Historically the Ballroom scene included society's most marginalized: minorities within minorities within minorities. In a world where they have been rejected, ballroom not only accepted these people for who they were, it celebrated them!

This resurgence in popularity is fantastic as many in the scene are finally getting the recognition that they long deserved. Though there is concern by some that with Voguing’s success in crossing over into the mainstream to communities of the "non marginalized" that there is a risk the dance may lose some of its connections to its roots.

Featuring archival footage from legendary Balls from the late 1980’s to 2016. The House of Pendavis, House of Chanel, House of Fields, Love Ball, House of Latex, and the House of Extravaganza. Directed by Nicolas Jenkins.

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