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Our archive features a catalogue of posts relating to LGBTQ Culture. Including Music, Films, Docs, Webseries, Reviews, Interviews, Events, Publications, Exclusives and much more.

#ShortSeries: 'The Black Lesbian Handbook'

A lively guide to the underground Black Lesbian scene in Britain, with 5 episodes covering the folowing;

1. Stud (n.): The masculine one in a lesbian relationship

2. The Scene (n.): Underground Black Lesbian community

3. Fem (n.): The girly one in a lesbian relationship

4. Stem (n.): A lesbian who plays both masculine and feminine roles

5. Straps (n. pl.): Sex toys popular with lesbians

The episode below follows the Stud (n.): The masculine one in a lesbian relationship.

Watch more from 'The Black Lesbian Handbook' here.

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