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#Film: 'While You Weren't Looking' (Trailer)

Dez and Terri, a mixed-race lesbian couple married 20 years and adoptive parents, they are the trailblazing lesbians of the New South Africa. But, have these freedoms guaranteed them happiness? Asanda, their 18 year old adopted daughter, is the poster child for South Africa’s diversity but describes herself as “an experiment”, being made up as she goes along. She meets Shado, an enigmatic Tommy Boy from Khayalitsha, a township on the edge of Cape Town, and a different picture of the New South Africa emerges. Mack is looking for Salute, the young freedom fighter he sheltered and loved. Salute has moved on, now he is Joe, married and with a child, rising in government and Party structures. Directed by Catherine Stewart released in October 2015.

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