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Our archive features a catalogue of posts relating to LGBTQ Culture. Including Music, Films, Docs, Webseries, Reviews, Interviews, Events, Publications, Exclusives and much more.

#Album: Gwen Bunn - 'The Verdict'

I stumbled apon Decatur, Ga. Singer/Songwriter & Producer Gwen Bunn whilst chilling out on the Soundcloud, thanks to DJ Baker’s “The Weekly TOP 40 LGBT Charts”. (This was the track I heard) “Im An Animal”

So whilst digging around more I found “The Verdict” Album dating back to 2009, however the music coming through my headphones sounds timeless to me and I reckon those like me who haven't heard of Gwen Bunn will differently want to know more…

Amazing vocals, music arrangements, very soulful, a must have.

“As you go through life you have to ask yourself who you are & what your purpose is? So I asked myself those questions. And I answered through song. So the verdict was …”The Verdict”

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