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#ShortSeries: 'The Black Lesbian Handbook USA'

The second series of Channel 4’s “The Black Lesbian Handbook” was shot during this years Atlanta Black Gay Pride. Consisting of 6 episodes, this series visits the no holds barred US LGBT scene and covers the following topics.

1. Pulling (vb.): attracting a person you desire

2. Celesbian (n.): lesbian famous in the LGBT community

3. Hersband (n.): woman who adopts the masculine role in a lesbian marriage

4. Pride (n.): sense of your own dignity and value

5. Transgender (adj.): gender identity differs from that assigned at birth

6. White Piece (n.): white partner of a black lesbian

The episode below follows the Hersband (n.): woman who adopts the masculine role in a lesbian marriage.

Our resident presenter/Host and Special events Co-Ordinator Nimsfeatured in the series and gave us the lowdown on her experience. Read our aftermath interview with her below.

Q1 – So the handbook looked like a lot of fun, was filming at Atlanta Pride what you expected or were there any suprises?

Nims – Fun doesn’t even come close to describing my Atlanta Black Pride experience. Let’s say I felt like one of the lucky golden ticket holders from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Now this was not my first time in the US but it was surprising to see how receptive they were to having a film crew filming them. Seems as if once again our American brothers and sisters are just that little bit more liberal than us and don’t mind being on camera. Also I take my hats off to the US femmes….jheeze. Now we all know Nims loves her a stud, but the femmes really dressed to impress. It was a beautiful sight I tell ya.

Q2 – If you could have brought one aspect of your trip back home with you, what would it be?

Nims – Now this one is hard. There’s so much I would bring back over here, narrowing it down to 3 is the best I can do!

1: Their openness 2: Their success (there were a lot of successful lesbians who own their own businesses) 3: Big BOOTY strippers (I kid you not…. I don’t know what they are eating).

Q3 – What parts of ATL would you recommend to a first time visitor wanting to explore the scene?

Nims – For a first timer in Atlanta, for Pride I’d say don’t limit yourself to just LGBT events. Venture out maybe check out “Six Flags” amusement park, and definitely go to “Hooters“. Oh Hooters. There are plenty of comedy clubs to check out such as “Kia Comedy” which hosts a weekly comedy set. Clubs like “Phaze One” that offer open mic sets for up and coming artists. Our very own Deanz was one of the performers there during Pride.

Q4 – Has your trip changed your point of view on any of the ‘usual’ rules that apply on the UK LGBT scene?

Nims – Oh most definitely. We as a community need to let go and be free and come together as one. Drop the labels and the judgment. Studs on studs, femmes and femmes, are we not all lesbians? And shout out to all my trans brothers and sisters..

Q5 – Describe your ATL experience in 3 words.


Watch more from 'The Black Lesbian Handbook' here.

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