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#WrapUp2015: One To Watch - Chey

Chey is a rapper/songwriter from London and founder of O.I (#OnIt) Network. Since the early part of 2015, LGBT Underground have been hearing about and featuring the many freestyles Chey has released this year. Tracks including ‘0-100‘, ‘Sega Game‘, ‘Back 2 Basics‘ and most recently ‘We Live It‘.

Not only has she been dropping quality freestyles but also backing them up with some fresh visuals including ‘Are They Ready‘. Chey has a classic Hip-Hop vibe about her, chilled out flow with content that actually gives you something to about. We have a feeling Chey is definitely gonna be dropping more hot gems in 2016. Be on the look out.

Watch the music video for 'Are They Ready'.

Follow Chey online for updates –

Soundcloud –

Twitter – @cheyofficial

Instagram – @ch3y_

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