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#Interview: Von Tae'

We recently caught up with rising Hip-Hop/R&B artist dubbed 'The new voice in pop culture' by Rolling Out Magazine, Von Tae’. Who since starting out writing and recording music in 2009, has gone on to release two promo albums, received numerous award nominations and major magazine coverage. Not to mention being featured by MTV, BET's Apollo Live and many more. He gave us the scoop on his first single from his forthcoming EP. Which of his favourite artists he'd choose to do a cover of it and what we can expect from '20 Minutes Past Late'.

Q1 - Tell us about ‘How I Do That’ and why you chose it as the lead single from your forthcoming EP?

VT - "How I Do That" is one of my favorites from the EP because its one of those songs that fit in with whats on the radio right now. I wanted to put out something that was easy to listen remember (from the hook), a song with a lot of swag to it and something that was just radio friendly.

Q2 - What can we expect from your ’20 Minutes Past Late’ EP and when can we look forward to hearing it?

VT - I named the EP '20 Minutes Past Late' specifically because it's been something I've worked on for such a long time. As an indie artist, I've learned that its not very easy to put together a project and release it. You have to make sure there's buzz, you have a plan set for how you are going to promote it (before and after) and a lot of other things come into play. So it's been a long road but hopefully it'll be out before the end of February. I had to push it back to make sure everything was ready marketing and promo wise. Aside from that, the EP has been done since November of last year.

Q3 - Your standout remixes/covers of numerous hit records have garnered a lot of buzz over the past year. If you could have one of your favourite artists cover one of your songs, which song/artist would you pick and why?

VT - Wow, I've never been asked that before. I think it would be cool to hear Missy Elliott on a remix to "How I Do That". That would be pretty dope just to see her do something a little left field from what she normally does.

Q4 - Looking back over your progress and achievements of the last few years what has been the highlight so far?

VT - The highlight has to be just continuing to build my fanbase. I've grown so much since starting in 2009 and I really have to thank my fans and family for the support. My first performance in October at Baltimore's Kings and Diamonds Night Club was my very first live performance of this new material and people loved it.

Q5 - Do you have any upcoming live performances you'd like fans to know about?

VT - Right now I'm still seeking opportunities for 2016, I'm so excited to get back to performing. I'm planning an exclusive live concert for my fans and family to experience my upcoming project 20 Minutes Past Late for the first time. That'll most likely happen sometime early Spring.

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