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Our archive features a catalogue of posts relating to LGBTQ Culture. Including Music, Films, Docs, Webseries, Reviews, Interviews, Events, Publications, Exclusives and much more.

#BattleRap: Prism Battle League

We're excited for the upcoming launch of Prism Battle League. The first league in battle rap history to openly provide a platform for battlers from the LGBT community. Created by the legendary Sara Kana making history and advancing the culture. It'll be great to see the strength and depth of talent from the LGBT community being showcased on a battle rap platform of its own.

The debut event and open tryouts for the league will be taking place on Saturday January 9th 2016 at East Coast Renaissance Studios in New York City. Battle rap is ready!

If you'd like to attend RSVP your space via email now! Email - for all inquiries. Follow - @PrismPBL on twitter for updates.

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