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#ShortFilm: 'Say My Name'

"SAY MY NAME!" is a contemporary Black British Gay Love Story set amidst a gritty grimy urban backdrop of 'street' reality. The story kicks off when 'rude-bwoy' Ricky ignores his undercover lover Chris while hanging 'on road' with his crew because he is afraid being 'outed'. This single act hurts, humiliates and infuriates Chris triggering a raging, brutally explicit, and frank row in which conflicting issues about masculinity, sexuality, race, self definition and love are confronted. With their relationship in the balance Ricky is forced to confront his deepest darkest most inner feelings. "To be or not to be"....OUT!

That is the question. Chris, through his own trials and suffering now reconciled with his gayness, believes he has found the answer, but does Ricky love him enough to break taboo and go against community, tradition and the laws of the 'street'? "SAY MY NAME" is in fact a love story in the truest sense as it tells the story of self love and what must be sacrificed in order to achieve this ultimate state of being.

The film has ignited a celebrity-led campaign promoting awareness, acceptance, tolerance and respect within the Black British community towards Black British gays. The campaign film will be posted on the internet i.e youtube, myspace, facebook and the "SAY MY NAME!" website, to generate conversation and awareness within the black community and the wider world. What is dramatically significant and different about the "SAY MY NAME!" campaign is the fact that it is fresh, raw, relevant Black, British, and Gay led. It is not a campaign which says "please love me even though I'm gay," but one that says "I'm Black, British and Gay, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere and it's time for me to be acknowledged as a vital contributing member of the Black community too." Indeed SAY MY NAME! and Say it PROUD!

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