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Our archive features a catalogue of posts relating to LGBTQ Culture. Including Music, Films, Docs, Webseries, Reviews, Interviews, Events, Publications, Exclusives and much more.

#Film: sTelth

sTelth is a coming of age film about a young woman who is running from herself. The film depicts a fictitious story about a 20 something Erin whose beauty will captivate the audience. Erin uses her "looks" as a tool to get herself out of sticky situations, but some how she always lands into a sticky situation. The story includes her lovers, her secrets, her mysterious ways and her fear. stealth was made to showcase people of color in the LGBTQ community and this film has every letter from the acronym. This film was also made to emphasize the importance of being honest to ourselves, our partners, and our families. It encourages us to not be afraid and to be who we (you) truly are. Written by Mina Monsha and produced by Angella Mao.

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